Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium (PP) is additional funding provided by the government to enhance the education of the most socio-economically deprived pupils as identified by:
those with an entitlement to free school meals (FSM)
pupils who have been entitled to FSM in any of the last 6 years (Ever 6)
those pupils in care (CioC)
Additional funding is also available for pupils whose parents serve in the military.
We owe it to all our young people to ensure they are given every chance to succeed and we are committed to spending our Pupil Premium money so that it directly influences their academic progress and life chances. We are committed to ensuring that gaps in performance between PP and non PP pupils are removed.
Who is in charge of Pupil Premium?
Everyone who works at Darwen Vale contributes to the progress of all pupils. Assistant Principal, Mrs Marsland has responsibility for tracking the progress of pupils eligible for PP funding. This includes looking at the whole picture of the child including attendance, punctuality, behaviour and attitude to learning as well as their academic progress and for taking action to address any gaps in progress.
Through prudent use of the pupil premium allocation we aim for the following:
To provide all pupils with fair and equal opportunities to achieve and excel in all areas
of the curriculum; using and applying the most effective pedagogy, (see Learning &
Teaching Policy), supported by use of additional, delegated funding specifically:
That student’s gain at least 5 higher grade GCSE’s including English and Maths
To have high expectations of all students including meeting at least target grades in all subject areas
To increase enjoyment/engagement of the school curriculum
To improve attendance/punctuality of those eligible for pupil premium
To reduce fixed term exclusions or episodes of lost learning of those eligible for pupil premium.
To increase participation in a range of extra-curricular activities, clubs, trips etc.
To raise aspirations in school and beyond
To work in partnership with families and pupils eligible for pupil premium, to plan, monitor and evaluate support and intervention in order to secure individual progress and achievement.
To work with external partners and organisations to provide additional support for the social, emotional, health and wellbeing of all pupils with potential barriers to learning and achievement.
To ensure governors fulfil statutory responsibilities to make effective use of pupil premium funds in order to impact positively on pupils’ achievement and attainment.
How we will measure the impact of our planned pupil premium spending?
Ongoing evaluation of all PP strategies at each term
Weekly monitoring students who attend Saturday schools and catch up sessions
Average attainment of PP pupils compared to non PP pupils
Average attendance of PP pupils compared to non PP pupils