Social Entrepreneurship

“Our goal is that, by the age of 25, all Aldridge graduates will have experienced an outstanding and enjoyable education and be able to sustain the life of their choice. They will be independent, thriving economically and making a real, positive contribution to their communities.”
“It doesn’t matter if you want to set up a company or work with a group of volunteers to improve your street – an entrepreneurial mind-set is a major asset, and I think that every young person can benefit from developing this mind-set as they grow up. Entrepreneurial social action represents a great way for our students to develop and demonstrate employability skills they need to sustain the life of their choice.”
Sir Rod Aldridge OBE

In alliance with all academies sponsored by the Aldridge Foundation we have made the following pledges to Step Up to Serve who are co-ordinating #iwill, a national campaign that aims to make social action part of life for as many 10 to 20 year-olds as possible by the year 2020. Through collaboration and partnership the charity is spreading the word about the benefits of youth social action, working to embed it in the journey of young people and creating fresh opportunities for the participation.
Our pledges:
1. The Aldridge Foundation and its academies providing secondary education pledge to publicly champion entrepreneurial social action. We will always highlight the value of social action in developing/demonstrating employability skills to our students.
2. As part of our commitment to preparing secondary students for real life, Aldridge Academies will encourage all students to secure their own entrepreneurial social action experiences which lead to positive community impact.
3. We pledge to reward, celebrate and record entrepreneurial social actions by our students (in part through the acknowledgement of Aldridge entrepreneurial attributes) in order to encourage greater participation and to emphasise their value and relevance for employability.
4. The Aldridge Foundation and its academies pledge to encourage small, medium and large businesses, voluntary and community organisations, social enterprises, co-operatives, charities and public bodies to work with us in practical ways to support young people in acquiring employability skills through entrepreneurial social action.